1 : Honor is essential for emotional connection in marriage
a. To Choose your wife as your number-one priority. b. Eliminate Disrespect c. Praise Her (Appreciate what she does and let her know about it.) 2 : Understanding is knowing your wife's unique temperament, gifts, and abilities. a. Understand her delicate nature b. Understand her temperament, gifts, desires, and abilities. c. Understand her need to see you improve, become wise. 3 : Security is the main source to a woman's spiritual connection with her husband. a. Words b. Anger c. Lust (other women) d. Finances 4 : Building Unity prevents the pressures of life from destroying the marriage. a. Find and face the common enemies b. Enjoy shared experiences c. Protect your wife's weaknesses 5 : Agreement a. Taking Responsibility for the Decisions Made. b. Come up with a system for making decisions c. Establish Preset Decisions 6 : Nurture a. Meet the spiritual need Leadership. b. Meet the mental need Communication. c. Meet the emotional need Romance. d. Meet the physical need Tender Touch. 7 : Defender a. Physical Defense b. Defense Against Addictions I. Food II. Drink III. Drugs c. Mental Defense against Ideas, Images, or Situations I. Television II. Movies III. Books IV. Friends d. Relational Defense I. Her Friends II. Your Friends III. Children e. Emotional Defense ( Avoid the first three and encourage the last one. ) ... I. Anger II. Verbal Abuse, Gestures, and Name Calling III. Sarcasm and Teasing: VI. Crying: Your wife must have a secure environment to cry in. f. Financial Defense I. Debt: II. Avoid making your wife the main source of income. It may cause them to be insecure. III. Unwise Ventures: Avoid ridiculous schemes. Talk each one over with your wife and get her insight first. g. Organizational Defense I. Headship: Always take responsibility. Never push blame on your wife. II. Work: Make sure to have grounds set for what is an acceptable workplace and environment for your wife. |
This is an outline of "Becoming A Godly Husband" by Gil Stieglitz.