Perfect love cast out all fear.
Moral Advice
Moral advice is to let people know wrong from right. The idea of this moral advice page is to let people see the truth behind making right decisions and or the wrong ones. This moral advice page will help you decide what to do in regards to Gods moral character and personality. His Holy Spirit is the moral compass that points do north if you will. Listening to the Holy Spirit and doing accordingly leaves no room for condemnation. Doing what you want to do rather than what the Holy Spirit wants you to do is where and when you will start to stumble.
- Equality of Man Kind: Moral advice for the equality of man kind. All men are Created Equal. This is a known fact that all man kind was and has been Created. We have a Creator and He has created us equal. He has made us in his image and likeness. He has given us his gift of unconditional love witch can either be accepted or rejected.
- Abortion : Moral Advice on abortion. Lets just take this topic and outline some of the possibilities. The number one thing that we have to remember is that we are dealing with a living soul. The unborn baby is a gift from God. Weather the baby came through improper means such as a relationship out of marriage, rape, what ever way the baby was planted we have to remember that the love of God overcomes all things. It is just wrong for any given human life to be taken without having a choice. Yes a fetus is considered an unborn child so yes it is wrong to have an unborn child killed. It is murder. The penalty for murder is normally a life for a life. If you take someones life you loose yours. One of the Ten Commandments is; "You shall not Murder." (Exodus 20:13 NKJV) This does not forbid all taking of life, for the Law itself included provisions for capital punishment. Innocent life however is to be cherished and encouraged. If you have gone through having an abortion we are sorry and their is a way to heal and be forgiven for any sin that is involved in going through something as harsh as abortion. Only people that experience it know the unpleasant feelings that come along with it. Life Depression being one of them. For advice on a way to heal visit our Salvation Page.
- Adulatory: Moral Advice on sex and adulatory. Adulatory is the unclean form of sexual relations. People do not seam to realize now days that sex is a one flesh experience and that it is meant to be with one person and that person is to be your life partner. Sex is not something to just go out and have fun with some person you just met to have a good time and then break off the relationship a couple months or even a year in the person you pick to sleep with intimately should be a person you are willing to commit the rest of your life to. To keep them always at the top of your list. They should be second to God. Sex outside of marriage does not have God's blessing upon it. We suggest if you are having sexual relations outside of marriage that you get married and until you do get married stop having sex until you are married. "Any man that lusteth after a women has committed adulatory in his own heart." Every man has sinned and has fallen short of the glory of God. Become forgiven of your sins and get right with God. Visit our Salvation Page.